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The gospel of John’s “from above” orientation transforms our human “from below” assumptions and habits. It draws us into union with God and into unity with one another. It communicates who Jesus is, in both intimate and profound dimensions. The book of John shapes Christian identity, invigorates worship, and implants eternal hope. “John’s gospel defies description,” marvels Willard Swartley. “It...

This event continues from chapter 11, with Jesus again in the home of Martha, Mary, and Lazarus (until now Jesus was only on the way to their home [11:30]). Mary’s anointing occurs six days before the Passover. The Gospel’s festivals begin with Passover near (2:13), an unnamed feast (5:1), a second Passover (6:4), and now again, a Passover near. Other major festivals include Tabernacles (7:1–10:21) and Dedication (10:22–42). John 11 occurs between
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